Trancerie Emiliane does really the best to operate in order to limit and reduce the environmental impact of its activities, with the purpose to deliver to both the customer, and on the market,

products which quality, in reference to the environment, is also synonym of respect and responsibility.

For this reason, Trancerie Emiliane is working for adopting an environmental managing system, which is applied, in particular, to improve the environmental performance of the company

in its production activity.

This environmental policy defines, therefore, the attention of the company toward the environment, with the realization of specific programs for both the prevention

of pollution, and the improvement of all that, which refers to the environmental impact.

Our task is primarily oriented in:

  • maintaining over time the organizational environmental structure, so to consider the environmental safeguard as completing part of the company decision-making process;

  • the absolute respect of all legal prescriptions in force, related to both the environmental safeguard, and the other prescriptions, subscribed by the organization, related to the own environmental aspects;

  • making aware and training the personnel about environmental matter, promoting an “environmentally” responsible behaviour;

  • the attention toward the communication, informing the personnel, the customers, and the suppliers about the achieved environmental purposes;

  • supervising the consumption of energetic resources, raw materials, and the own environmental impacts;  

  • cooperating with suppliers devoted to the environmental impact resulting from their activities;

  • controlling the possible emergency situations, and managing on the basis of both specific procedures, and programmed intervention plans

  • reducing the most significant impacts, promoting a correct management concerning fire risk, suppliers, coverings containing asbestos, and the control of all other impacts;

  • accomplishing internal audits so to control the own environmental performances.



The General Management